[공지] 25-1 Qualification Exam Timetable
- 조회수 112
- 작성자 영어영문학전공
- 작성일 2025.02.25
Hi. I am Rachel.
The Exam day is March 14th Friday, and I attached the timetable. Plz check your Student ID, Name and subject name.
If you find something wrong, plz contact me.
Also, If you can not attend the exam, plz let me know ASAP (My kakao talk ID : lufian5 , Contact me only Monday to Friday 9AM ~ 18PM).
You need to come Humanities 1-305 and sit before 10 mins.
See u.
<WARNING for those who are planning to take exams>
Students who engage in acts of cheating while taking exams will be asked to LEAVE THE ROOM IMMEDIATELY and will NO LONGER be able to take exams.
The university strictly forbids cheating and you will receive penalties.
Examples of acts of cheating include:
-copying other students’ answers
-bringing notes and memos
-writings notes on your bodies such as hands, arms, and legs
-using electronic devices such as phones, pads, and computers, etc.
On the exam day:
1. Before you take exams, you will be asked to put all your belongings such as books and phones into your bags and close your bags.
2. Your bags will be in the back of the class room. Please do NOT bring any important items with you. The office will NOT be responsible for the loss of your items.
3. On your desk, there should ONLY be pens and whiteouts.(Not pencils)
5. If any notes are written on your bodies, you will NOT be able to take exams.